Scholarships & Grants

ACEF awards scholarships to Atlantic City High School & ACIT graduates annually and also funds teacher grants for NJ curriculum projects.

Thanks to the support and generous donations from our community, ACEF has awarded $200k in grants and scholarships to help over 200 students further their education and fund 300 teacher initiative projects.

ACHS & ACIT Scholarships

Every year, the Foundation awards scholarships to graduating Atlantic City High School students and students living in Atlantic City who attend Atlantic County Institute of Technology to support their higher education goals at a 4-year college degree, community college, or trade school. 

Application Requirements:

  • Grade Point Average of 2.5 or better with a copy of school transcript.
  • Recommendations from two teachers or administrators.
  • One short essay that details school and community involvement and career goals.
  • List of school(s) applied to and acceptance letter(s) if received.

For physical copies visit ACHS and ACIT Guidance Offices

Teacher Mini Grants

We are living in a world where life appears to be moving faster and faster!

When the founding members of ACEF were young, they used handwritten, mailed letters to communicate with loved ones far away. The spoken word was shared by using a telephone that needed cables and a dial.  Now, a handheld gadget, or yet, a wrist gadget is all one needs to communicate – and you don’t have to be attached to any wires or cables!  There is hardly time to absorb what is going on in one’s world before the next event occurs.  And forget about information being local!  Now, events around the world are at our fingertips in minutes.

As a result of this ever evolving technology, ACEF believes that our young people need to be better prepared for the future and the broad scope of Social Justice appears to be a way to achieve that goal.
We are focusing on Mini Grants in the broad field of Social Justice. We’re looking for innovative teachers to create social justice programs or projects for students. (Please see the grant application for more information on eligibility, requirements and deadlines.) 


Anthony Cox, Jr.

ACHS 2011 Class, West Point 2016 Class, now in his medical residency at Walter Reed Hospital.

Sage Rosenberg

ACHS 2022 Class, now attending Stockton University.

Dihan Hasan

ACHS 2018 Class, Rutgers University 2022 Class.

Join our mission to improve education for our children in Atlantic City.

Join our mission to improve education for our children in Atlantic City.